Wasabi nymph?

Well it’s Wednesday, the notorious hump day of the week…

Here’s what I have for you today.

Last night as I was working on my leaf collage, I had originally planned to set it on a green background but decided it would be too busy.

So I set it aside. Today however, I was doodling and decided to combine the doodle with the background.

The result was something yet untitled. Though I do have a few ideas… 😛

First, let’s take a look at what we have.

Doodle= green woman

Doodle combined with collage=Doodle collage

So titles.

Here’s a few I’ve been mulling over:

1-Green woman


3-Wasabi girl

4-Wasabi nymph

5- Green goddess

6-Green wasabi nymph goddess 😛

Anyway, let me know what you think and if you can come up with any better titles let me know!



12 thoughts on “Wasabi nymph?

  1. As an FYI the doodle is not 100% original. I stumbled onto a similar image and thought it was neat so I re-vamped it.

    On that note here’s a quote for you…

    “Art is either plagiarism or revolution.”
    Paul Gauguin
    French Post-Impressionist painter (1848 – 1903)


  2. I’m liking this new collage thingy that you started doing…
    and I like the figure of the girl..it’s “Succexy” (song from Metric)
    But ya..really likeing it..and btw again..you can delete all those extra comments I did..cause they are everywhere…they wouldn’t show the other ngiht that I posted…your site and me are in a fight
    Love you though!!


  3. i’m not sure between 4 and 6/ wasabi and nymph should both be in the title… but adding the obvious “green” makes it more fun. And she has to be a goddess…. hummm….


  4. I’ve heard of Wolfmother, but I don’t think I’ve ever really heard them. They were just gaining popularity around the time we left Canada (also, Moncton has no modern rock radio stations, so the only place to hear them was Much, which isn’t my usual choice for entertainment).

    And, on second thought, I vote for #7, just “Green Wasabi Nymph.”


  5. They play Wolfmother on the radio all the time J
    but maybe not since you guys left
    I like them..AND they have a song on Guitar Hero
    WOOT! Rock out!!
    Man I’m addicted to that game!!


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